An important message for busy parents who want more out of life…
You Could Ever Sell 
So You Can Enjoy A GREAT eBay Income
All While Staying Home With Your Kids 
And WITHOUT Having To Work Long Hours
Or Deal With The Stress Of A Job...
Want the BEST way to stay home with the kids while making an amazing income?

I will coach you to success with your own online consignment business so you can make more money while staying home with your kids!

Consignment is when you sell high-end, luxury or collectible items on eBay for clients. In return, you get paid a VERY nice commission for doing all the selling for them.

From The Desk Of Michelle Hougland
If you’re a young mom, does this sound familiar?

Your kids are super-important to you and you wish you could stay home with them, but household expenses make it so that you HAVE to work…

Your job brings in some income, but just not enough to really make it worth it.

Meanwhile, your kids spend the biggest part of their days being taken care of by others, which just doesn’t sit right with you…
You dream of a better life for you and your family - a life where you can make great money, buy a house AND be there for your kids throughout the day…
I know it sounds like a dream, 
but this is exactly what I was able to do!
(And I can show you how to do the same for yourself!)

Over the last 18 years, I've been able to make enough money to stay home with my daughter Haley because of my eBay consignment business and I’m here to share exactly what I did, so you could stay home with your kids, too!

Imagine this:

  • You wake up, get ready, and feed the kids on YOUR schedule…
  • ​You start working when YOU want, according to what works best for you and your kids…
  • ​You have freedom and flexibility that a job could never give you, PLUS, you are now making a really nice income, an income that, by itself, can support an entire family very nicely!
  • ​AND, you DON’T have to work long hours to do it, which means you have plenty of time to take your kids places and enjoy life!

How I made so much money
that I was able to quit my high-stress job
and stay home with my kids...

I understand if you’re having a hard time believing this is real…

I felt the same way when I was first introduced to the online consignment business - it really sounded like a dream…

“Can I really make enough money doing eBay consignment that I could leave my stressful job in the dental business?” I thought to myself.

“She was only going to grow quickly and I would miss all of her milestones while being stuck in a 9 to 5 job.”

I knew I needed to make a change as soon as possible!

And as I looked more carefully at having an eBay business, I learned one important thing…

eBay gets about 1.2 BILLION visitors per month…

I knew I needed to make a change as soon as possible!

My job as a dental surgery practice administrator for TWO practices was running me into the ground, (both physically and emotionally) and was not giving me enough time with my daughter.

And that’s when I remembered the eBay business…

And as I looked more carefully at the eBay business, I realized one important thing…

With over 1.2 BILLION visitors per month, 
eBay is the biggest and most popular marketplace 
for high-ticket, luxury & collectible items in the world!

The other popular marketplaces, like Poshmark or Mercari, as trendy as they may be, only get a tiny fraction of the traffic that eBay gets!

This means that, by listing your consignment items on eBay, they’ll sell FASTER and FOR MORE MONEY than anywhere else.

And that’s how you build a successful business, by having your business in the busiest online “shopping district” in the world!

So, what exactly is the eBay consignment business?

Consignment is when you sell high-end, luxury or collectible items on eBay for clients and you get paid 
a VERY nice commission for selling their items for them.

So I decided to resign from my stressful dental career, stay home and enjoy raising my child, while I focus on online CONSIGNMENT…

And that’s when everything changed for me…

The consignment business is a fantastic business model because:

  • You pay ZERO for the merchandise, since you are selling other people’s items
  • ​You can be picky and only choose to sell higher-end items that pay you more
  • ​You can get paid a LOT more for your time than if selling typical eBay merchandise
  • ​You can spend more time at home with your kids and family
  • ​You can work A LOT LESS and make A LOT MORE

Suddenly, I was making a LOT more money IN A LOT LESS TIME because of this amazing business model…

And I noticed something else that was pretty amazing.

My consignment customers started referring me to OTHER customers!

And, since I get to choose which items I resell for my customers, I was in control of how much money I made for the time I invested in my business.

With my customers constantly referring me to lots of NEW customers,
I discovered something really great…

I would never have to go to a thrift store, yard sale or estate sale
in a "hit or miss" search for merchandise, ever again!

(Unless I wanted to, I mean, those sales ARE a lot of fun)

The amazing thing about being in the consignment business is:

There is MORE THAN ENOUGH business to make all the money I want to make, AND have free time to spend with my kids!

I know what you may be thinking: “Can I Really Do This?”


“I’m not sure I can build a business like this, I’ve never done anything like this before…”

Let me tell you - I’ve been in your shoes!

When I first started in the online consignment business, I had the same doubts and fears that you’re probably facing.

But I wanted that freedom to stay home with my kids, raise them the right way and enjoy all the special moments without missing a beat.

That was so important to me that I made the decision to learn this business and, through lots of trial and error, I developed the system you see here.

I've perfected my eBay consignment business over the last 18 years and put everything I've learned into a proven system...

This simple, step-by-step system will help you make all the money you want, stay home with your kids and enjoy a life of financial freedom!

 I've learned eBay consignment the hard way over the last 18 years, so that you don't have to!

Over the last 18 years of selling on eBay, I’ve sold thousands of items while maintaining my Top-Rated Seller status with a perfect feedback rating.

And just over this last year, I’ve done hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales of “other people’s merchandise”!

This is consignment merchandise that I DIDN’T HAVE TO PAY FOR!

I get my merchandise for “FREE”... 
and make commissions 
by selling other people’s items!

Here are some ACTUAL TRANSACTIONS I’ve done for my customers…

Imagine making these kinds of commissions on:

  • A pair of $300 Christian Louboutin Heels - for a $105 commission
  • ​A $750 Minelab metal detector - for a $185 commission
  • ​A $1,000 Sonos Speaker Set - for a $250 commission 
  • ​A $2,000 Dental X-ray machine - for a $500 commission
  • ​A $7,500 Harley Sportster motorcycle - for a $525 commission
  • ​A $10,500 Harley Softail motorcycle - for a $735 commission
  • ​A $31,000 Audi sports car - for a $1,550 commission
  • ​A $119,500 Mercedes RV - for a $6,000 commission 

Imagine selling ONE ITEM - that luxury RV and making $6,000?

And the best thing is, I’ll show you exactly how to do it, step-by-step.

(By the way, those are some of my higher-commission deals - I’ve done hundreds of consignment deals that pay between $100 and $1,000…

Remember, I paid ZERO for this merchandise, but I get to make commissions on ALL of it…

All you do is use your eBay selling skills to get these items SOLD for your clients and you get paid - and VERY nicely, I might add.

Now imagine having a flood of this merchandise to choose from - more merchandise that you can process - a nice problem to have, right?

That’s right, you’ll be so busy that you’ll have to pick and choose which items you want to sell, putting you in full control of your income and your life!

Now, you’ll get to spend that quality time you want to spend with your kids and family.

Now, you’ll have the lifestyle business of your dreams because you’ll be making the kind of income that very few people get to make.

And, if you want to take it to another level, because you’re getting all this merchandise for ZERO INVESTMENT, you can grow your business as big as you want!

You can add an assistant or two, grow into a small warehouse (or even a large one, for that matter)  and grow it into a six-figure business like I have - and even seven-figure business if you choose!

But the great thing is YOU CHOOSE.

You are in control of your time and your life and you are making the income of a high level attorney or doctor, while also getting to spend time with your kids!

It is a dream life and I can show you, step-by-step, how to do it!

If you’ve sold on eBay before,
have you experienced these discouraging feelings?

I know what you’re probably thinking.

But I’ve tried selling on eBay and my stuff took forever to sell…


I tried selling on eBay, and after fees, it was not very much profit…

I hear you, and listen, it’s not your fault… I used to feel the same way.

Unfortunately, you can’t find very good information about selling on eBay nowadays - everyone wants to sell you their “get rich quick” course and most of those have very little substance to them.

But when I discovered the consignment business, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it takes away most of the negatives that you hear from eBay sellers!

You may hear:

My stuff takes forever to sell - it sits in my store for months!

Not with the consignment business!

Because you get to CHOOSE which items you sell, you can choose items that are super-popular and that will sell FAST - and ONLY choose those items!

You may hear:

I can’t seem to find profitable merchandise to resell on eBay…

Not with the consignment business!

Because you start with one customer and that often leads to many more customers (through referrals) you end up with more business than you can handle - AND - you pay ZERO for the merchandise, so you take less risk.

You may hear:

Do people still buy things on eBay? Haven’t they moved on to Amazon or Poshmark?

Well, as the world’s TOP MARKETPLACE for high-ticket, luxury and collectible items, eBay is THE place people go to find these higher-priced items and now YOU can be the one offering it to them.

Here's why your eBay Consignment business
is LITERALLY recession-proof…

As I write this, there are signs that we are going into a period of financial turmoil and even possibly a recession.

We already see it in the increasing prices of food, gasoline and other essential items…

But inflation isn’t the only problem.

As we see a recession looming, things begin to get difficult for EVERYONE.

And here’s another reason why your eBay consignment business is such a good idea.

When things get difficult, people often begin to sell off their valuable items - those “luxury items” that they no longer need as badly.

And, because you are in the eBay consignment business, the amount of luxury, high-end and collectible items coming to you to sell for them will only increase!

Talk about job security - you now have “business security”!

Soon, you’ll be the “go to” eBay seller for a larger and larger customer base and your business will grow as big as you want!

Very few other businesses can claim that they are recession-proof...

But your eBay consignment business most certainly is.

Online Consignment - The Easy Way

This is my complete SYSTEM for making 6-figures with eBay consignment, the EASY WAY.

I’ve taken all the lessons that I learned “the hard way” and have removed all the hassles and headaches to now show you, step-by-step how to be successful with your own eBay consignment shop!

Ready For Me To Guide You To Success?

Here's Everything You Get In The  
"Online Consignment - The Easy Way" Program

This is not just a course, but a step-by-step training where I guide you to success!

The first part of my online consignment system is lifetime access to the main course: 

“Online Consignment - The Easy Way”

which consists of 9 modules that you can complete in just 3 hours!

This course takes you by the hand and teaches you everything you need to know to be successful with online consignment.

Then, you also get my "Quick-Start Accelerator Coaching" where I will show you how to get started the RIGHT WAY, from the very beginning.

This live group training and coaching will show you the best ways to get your initial clients, how to organize your business and how to immediately start making money with my system!

This Accelerator Coaching is my way of making sure you create TONS OF SUCCESS, as soon as possible!

What if you have a question and need support while you're building your business? 

I'm also including membership in our exclusive Facebook Group, where I can answer your questions as they come up, where you can meet other students and be part of a growing community of like-minded business builders!

I will post news, updates and strategies, as they happen.

Got a question? Post it in the Facebook Group and I will be there to answer it and help you move forward!

Then, you also get my consignment system worksheets, which include:

  • My proven template for how to interact with your clients, so you know exactly what to say and when.
  • ​My inventory tracking system so you can stay organized as you build your business and income.
  • ​My sample consignment agreement which lays out the expectations for working with you as well as the commission rate that you’ll get paid.
  • ​How to optimize your eBay listings by using the best keywords in your listings.
  • ​My insider secrets for eBay SEO so that your listings move up higher in eBay’s search results.

New to selling on eBay?

No problem!

I've also included one of my top courses that shows you the BEST WAY to get started on eBay.

It's titled: "Selling on eBay in 5 easy steps" and this is the PERFECT way to learn the eBay business.

Along with this course, you'll want to know how to take photos like a pro, so I am also including my course titled: "Photography like a Paladin pro", which shows you how to get amazing photos for your eBay sales!

And, one of the best ways to make fast money on eBay is by selling vehicles, so I am also adding my course that shows you how to sell vehicles on eBay for giant commissions!

You’re also getting my special consignment frameworks and notes, so you can professionally present your consignment business to a client, as well as easily answer their questions and close the deal!

I’d like to encourage you by saying NOW is the time to get started in your eBay consignment business.

And I’m here to help you, by showing you a step-by-step way to be successful with the consignment business.

You’ll be learning from an 18 year experienced Top-Rated eBay seller - in fact, in the last year alone, I’ve done hundreds of thousands in sales with my eBay consignment business!

So if you are ready to begin this journey, to staying home with your kids and enjoying more time freedom, more joy and less stress, then enroll in Online Consignment - The Easy Way today!

Here's what some of Michelle's students have said about her training:
About Michelle Hougland...
Author, Online Consignment Made Easy
  • Married, stay-at-home mom to four kids
  • Top-Rated eBay Seller with 100% feedback rating, since 2005
  • Built a multi-six-figure business with eBay consignment
  • Best-selling author of: "Online Consignment, The Easy Way"
  • Author of several courses about eBay selling
There's no risk, 
because your enrollment is 100% guaranteed.

I’m so confident that "Online Consignment - The Easy Way" can help you achieve your goals of financial independence and time freedom that I’m making this no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

Try the course for an entire 30 days, and if you are not completely delighted with it (for any reason) simply message us and we will promptly issue a refund.

We want you to not just be happy with it, but really ecstatic that you made this decision to change your life.

We stand behind our program, 100%!

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